Michael Van Canneyt escreveu:
On Sun, 23 Nov 2008, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 6:21 PM, Florian Klaempfl
Also I whish to know which basic unicode functions will be supported
by FPC, only upper/lower, or maybe some more like decompose,
normalize, char-word-line-paragraph iterators... I have some of them
written if the FPC team wants them.
It mainly depends if it needs external libs or huge tables.
That makes me wonder?  How does D2009 handle upper/lower case? Table
lookups, or do they pass that on to Windows to handle?

Most likely the latter.

From the marco catu doc:

"The traditional Delphi code (the UpCase on the AnsiChar version) handles ASCII characters only, so it won't convert the character (The same is true for the UpperCase function, which handles only ASCII, while AnsiUpperCase handles everything in Unicode, despite the name.). The behavior doesn't change (probably for backward compatibility reasons) if you pass a WideChar to it. The ToUpper function works properly (its ends up calling the CharUpper
function of the Windows API)"

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