
I have been doing some research on issue 12645: http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=12645

From a discussion in the MinGW bugtracker can be concluded that windres does not and will not support spaces in paths for its parameters in the foreseeable future. So the compiler will have to convert file names and directories passed to windres to short path names (quoting them does not work).

Additionally, forward slashes (/) need to be used as directory separator. Can you give me some guidelines how to write a patch for the compiler?

I guess something needs to be changed in TWinLikeResourceFile.SetupCompilerArguments. Can I test for windres as rcbin and act accordingly? Or do I need to add two tresinfoflags, for exampe res_needs_short_path, res_needs_unix_dir_separator?


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