Actually, your constructor has the same signature as 'TObject.Create',
so it should show a 'lower visibility' warning in Delphi, doesn't it?
But, indeed, FPC shows the warning (should be public) for all
constructors, even if you're not hiding from the parent class, and I
always found this a (minor) annoyance.
But the fact that the semantic of constructors in Delphi/ObjectPascal
have the same visibility rules of "common methods" (i.e. they force
the visibility of the constructor from the parent class) is just sad.
"Even" Java constructors' syntax is better ;-)
Not to mention that you can call constructors on instance "pointer"
(ok, I know this "hack is useful/used in streaming/persistence code),
even uninitialized ones...


On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Léo Willian Kölln <> wrote:
> No.
> See my singleton example:
> TLoggerGeral = class
>  private
>    class var FInstance : TLoggerGeral;
>  {$ELSE}
>    {$STATIC on}
>    FInstance : TLoggerGeral; static;
>  {$ENDIF}
>    constructor Create;
>  protected
>    pCritSection    : TCriticalSection;
>    pLogarDatas     : boolean;
>    pLogarTipos     : boolean;
>    pArquivoDestino : TextFile;
>    saidaConsole    : boolean;
>    class function getData: String;
>    class function tipoText(tipo: ETipoMensagem): String;
>    class procedure executaOperacaoPrioridade(tipo: ETipoMensagem);
>  public
>    destructor Destroy; override;
>    class function GetInstance: TLoggerGeral;
>    class procedure recebeMensagem(const mensagem: String; tipo:
> ETipoMensagem = NORMAL);
> end;
> A normal singleton and it complain!
> Léo Willian Kölln
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys
> <> wrote:
>>> Simply question. Why?
>> What did you do, try and lower the visibility of the constructor?  If
>> so, that is also not allowed in Delphi as far as I know.
>> Regards,
>>  - Graeme -
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