2009/6/1 Paul Ishenin <i...@kmiac.ru>:
> Have you tried as I wrote?

My mistake, I typed...

  TMyClass = class(TObject)
  end; deprecated;

instead of...

  TMyClass = class(TObject)
  end deprecated;

I used deprecated like you do for methods... after the last semi-colon.

> Seems for unit this is not availble if fpc. Delphi allow use of deprecated
> and platform marks for units too.

That would be nice for FPC as well...  ;-)  The code I'm working on
(tiOPF) is shared between Delphi and FPC compilers, so if deprecated
is supported on both, that would be ideal (though not the end of the
world if it's not).

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
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