2009/8/16 Paul Ishenin <webpi...@mail.ru>:
> Imagine you have a db framework which maps delphi classes to database
> tables. It reads class properties from the rtti and creates db tables
> automatically.

tiOPF has metadata classes to do just this, but in both cases they
work only well if you have quite simple design. Anything complex (and
unfortunately my designs seem to be) those property -> db field
mappings simply don't coupe.

I also have tables in by database, where one table contains
information for various classes. I have to use tiOPF's hard-coded
visitors, so I can manually implement the complex mapping and
create/populate the correct classes from a single query.

But yeah, I guess for the general public they could have some uses. I
haven't found a use for me though (not yet).

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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