Zitat von Jonas Maebe <jonas.ma...@elis.ugent.be>:
On 10 Sep 2009, at 14:01, Mattias Gärtner wrote:
Mattias Gärtner wrote:
Can someone explain why in mode objfpc comparing methods only compares
the address, but not the instance?
Seems perfectly logical to me (@ = Address of, in this case "code
address", the code is the same for all instances of a class).
The @ operator is more than "address of".
The current behaviour has been there since svn revision 1, so it's
quite old and established at least (and Delphi/TP-compatible, afaik).
Yes, and since the beginning I was wondering why. Years ago I thought,
there are probably cases where this is useful. But since today I
hardly saw one. OTOH I saw several times code that misused it.
If it is only for delphi/tp compatibility, then maybe it can be
changed in mode objfpc?
fpc-devel maillist - fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org