On 16 Sep 2009, at 11:13, Jonas Maebe wrote:

We don't distribute an interface to most iPhone frameworks, in part because the iPhone SDK licensing agreement forbids distributing any derivative works. The Mono guys apparently ignore this and do distribute a bunch of XML files generated from the files included in the iPhone SDK. So keep in mind that you are violating Apple's licensing agreement if you use their stuff (although Apple doesn't seem to care much about that, given that a lot of applications based on an engine using the precursor of MonoTouch, namely Unity3D, are shipping already). At any point, an application you write using that stuff could probably be yanked from the Apple store though (unless the Mono people have a redistribution agreement with Apple, but I doubt that).

They also copied (pre-release) documentation from Apple onto their website: http://www.go-mono.com/docs/index.aspx?tlink...@ecma%3a143%23nsobject%2fm

I'm quite sure they have never asked permission to do so (nor would they get it). I would strongly recommend against trying to get Apple to take it down though, since would only have downsides (it won't help us get permission, it will hurt developers using MonoTouch, and it will hurt users who want the application being written using that framework).

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