Jonas Maebe wrote:
On 22 Nov 2009, at 18:43, Marc Weustink wrote:

while adding sourceline info to the Lazarus disassembler output I ran into the 
DEBUGSTART_<unitnamehere>, DEBUGINFO_<unitnamehere> and DEBUGEND_<unitnamehere> 
What I wonder is why DEBUGSTART and DEBUGEND are reported as functions, while 
DEBUGINFO is reported as datavariable (fpc 2.2.4, stabs).

DEBUGSTART and DEBUGEND are symbols in text section, while DEBUGINFO
is a label in the data section. I don't know exactly how the
mechanism works, but the only purpose of these symbols is to prevent
debug info from being smartlinked out. They are irrelevant for the
actual debugging.

not really (otherwise I won't run into it ;) )

Since the exe doesn't contain NOP beweeen unit code, when disassembling, you can get the following:

(gdb) disas 0x0808b0cc 0x0808b0d6
Dump of assembler code from 0x808b0cc to 0x808b0d6:
0x0808b0cc <FORMS_finalize+44>: ret
0x0808b0cd <DEBUGEND_FORMS+0>:  add    %al,(%eax)
0x0808b0cf <DEBUGEND_FORMS+2>:  add    %dl,0xffffff89(%ebp)
0x0808b0d2 <TFORM1__BUTTON1CLICK+2>:    in     $0x81,%eax
0x0808b0d4 <TFORM1__BUTTON1CLICK+4>:    in     (%dx),%al
0x0808b0d5 <TFORM1__BUTTON1CLICK+5>:    pushf

while this is correct:
(gdb) disas 0x0808b0d0 0x0808b0d6
Dump of assembler code from 0x808b0d0 to 0x808b0d6:
0x0808b0d0 <TFORM1__BUTTON1CLICK+0>:    push   %ebp
0x0808b0d1 <TFORM1__BUTTON1CLICK+1>:    mov    %esp,%ebp
0x0808b0d3 <TFORM1__BUTTON1CLICK+3>:    sub    $0x9c,%esp

Anyway, I now know that when I encounter a DEBUGEND function, I need to take special actions.


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