Op 2010-08-08 17:44, Michael Van Canneyt het geskryf:
> I have adapted the TPasExpr elements so they descend from TPasElement, and 
> have implemented
> GetDeclaration() so they can be used when getting declarations for the linear 
> doc writers.
> Revision 15749.

This is still not working for me. I updated FPC to trunk r15757.

I have an include file with the following constant definitions in fpGUI...

------------[ predefinedcolors.inc ]----------------------------
{%mainunit fpg_base.pas}

  // The following colors match the predefined Delphi Colors
  // NOTE:
  //   The format is always RRGGBB (Red, Green, Blue);

  clAqua          = TfpgColor($00FFFF);
  clBlack         = TfpgColor($000000);
  clBlue          = TfpgColor($0000FF);
  clCream         = TfpgColor($FFFBF0);

And the output generated by the latest fpdoc is still missing anything
after the equal sign.

------------[ fpgui.ipf ]--------------------
clAntiqueWhite &eq.

clAqua &eq.

clAquamarine &eq.


See attached image for the final INF rendered output.

Uncommenting the old (pre expression parser) in TPasParser.ParseConstDecl
(on line 1594 in pparser.pp) and commenting the new expression parser, the
Const declarations are correct in the output.

... and before you ask, yes after I updated FPC to latest trunk, I did a
make clean; make all... in the root of the FPC src directory.  I also
double checked that I am using the new FPC compiler and FCL. ;)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

<<attachment: fpdoc_output.png>>

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