Am 19.10.2010 14:38, schrieb Alexander Klenin:
> On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 23:02, Florian Klaempfl <> 
> wrote:
>> Am 19.10.2010 13:54, schrieb Alexander Klenin:
>>> from fixing case and reformatting of Math unit
>> This does not help anybody ;)
> See, you have already rejected it ;-)
> The initial motivation was that current unit have lower-case
> procedure names, which is not Delphi-compatible
> and messes up code completion.

Ok, this is a point. I'am pretty sure that a patch which fixes casing of
exported symbols will be accepted and I'am the first one who will apply
it. However, this is no argument to do reformatting. Casing yes, but

>>> to finishing/extending Paul's work on loop.
>> Does it still miss stuff? Actually, I never used it :)
> It does not "miss" stuff, but could be extended.
> I meant
>> So you looked yourself into the refactored code so you can judge it as
>> good? Did you send an email with your comment why it is good?
> Actually, I tried to, although svn made it extremely difficult
> and I am not aware of git/hg mirror of branches.

Ask Graeme. But I felt reviewing with tortoisesvn pretty easy while
tortoisegit even doesn't allow me to diff pulled changes quickly in the
pull window.

> The changes are very promising (although IFDEF's are a mess,
> but as I understand they are planned for removal).
> I did not test and have not enough understanding of FPC internals
> to spot any breakage by code inspection, but the readability
> and modularization improvements are quite obvious to me.
>> Where did you comment on the critism I made?
> I have really restrained myself from commenting on them
> because I it is hard to do in a polite manner.

Politeness is not important as long as the arguments are reasonable ;)

> Since you insist, I will try:
>> - people knowing the old code for 15 years having to dig into new code
> Do you even understand how backwards this sounds?
> Using the outdatedness of code as an excuse not to refactor it
> is usually reserved for big corporations, not modern open-source projects :-)

Who says the code is outdated? I said only that people doing the work on
FPC have to dig into new code for no gain. And at least I'am not willing
to fix such new code if I see no gain.

>> - slower
> Or maybe faster? Did you benchmark it?
> Of did you see a specific location of code which will cause slowdown?

Dislocation of code causes less efficient cache usage. Added calls,
added class instance accesses.

>> - code spread over multiple locations
> Which is called modularization aka OO, and is IMO the main point of the branch

Only if it serves a purpose. There is no use on modularization or OO for
itself. In German you call something like this over-engineered.

>> - lost svn blame history
> use git

I cannot see how git solves this for code being moved around and being
reindented, not to mention upper/lower casing changes.

>> - last but not least, you coding style does not follow the compiler code
> style
> Which may be trivially fixed (btw, compiler code style is really ...
> um... exotic).

This is out of discussion yet, the compiler uses its coding style and it
should be consistent as far as possible.
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