
Am 21.11.2010 12:49, schrieb Max Vlasov:
I recently read the info about current implementation of packages and a
post that dynamic packages support is at the early stage or not started
yet. Knowing that fpc developers is very skilled and they probably the

I've been very busy lately, so the implementation did not really start yet. All I've done so far is contributing some fixes for the win64 target so that I can actually debug the fpc compiler on my machine... ;-)

So, I just wanted to suggest that regardless of the magic different
platform has about such dynamic linking, there's something similar to
this indirect addressing possibly should be done with interfaces
sections of the unit. So even without actual dynamic  packages
implementation details, the fpc compiler could start  support intdirect
addressing for ppu files. It may be a conditional mode and in this case
every ppu just can introduce a flag indicating the mode it was compiled
with or just be gradually implemented unconditionally. The latter is not
good for performance reasons and as I recall after the discovery about
indirect addressing we did some tests and some artificial projects (for
example a loop variable placed in the interface section of a unit)
showed very little performance degradation, but for general approach it
was almost unnoticeable.

What you think?

This is interesting information and it sounds very reasonable. However, I haven't made much progress on the package front yet and I still need to read up (better: read again) on what fpc stores in it's .ppu files -- hence I cannot really say what is the best way to implement this feature.. ;) (Obviously I want to change as few things as possible in the fpc internals..)

BTW: My main goal for this year still is to do a proof of concept and to compile the system unit into a "fpcrtl.ppl" with a simple application that uses this package.

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