On 10 Jan 2011, at 09:12, LacaK wrote:

In current Delphi is String synonym for base type UnicodeString UTF-16
AFAIU ATM in FPC is String synonym for AnsiString (as in previos versions of Delphi)
Are there any plans to change meaning of String type ?
(like Delphi to UnicodeString , or UTF8String?)

If/when this is done, it will only be with a compiler switch or directive.

Are there any plans to intorduce implicit conversions between AnsiStrings (ANSI code page) to UTF8Strings (UTF-8 encoded) or something like this ?

That would be part of the general D2009 ansistring support you referred to in your other message. There is an svn branch (cpstrnew) that contains some preliminary work for this functionality, but nobody has worked on it for a long time. Developers interested in working on finishing that functionality are welcome!

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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