L> but db client library api, which is used by SQLConnector to
L> retrieve data.

How an UTF8 SQLConnector can retrieve UTF8 data from a field defined
as binary ?
It cann't .
Here I am speaking about TStringField, which is IMHO designed for character data, for binary data is designed TBinaryField

L> For example in ODBC we use SQLGetData in LoadField
L> method to retrieve data from odbc interface. And for example in
L> case of MS SQL Server character data are retrieved in current ANSI
L> code page (in Windows of course, may be that for example in *nix
L> data are retrieved in UTF-8 naturaly) .

Via ODBC ?

L> (AFAIK there is no universal way how to explicitly request
L> character encoding from ODBC interface)

But that's a problem of ODBC, but:

Yes in UNIX world it may be so (I do not know),
but in Windows ODBC we have no such possibility AFAIK

L> So it is true, that every sql connector is mandatory write character
L> data in UTF-8 ?

No. It is mandatory that you send/receive UTF8 to/from GUI LCL
As LCL elements are using TStringField.Text property, then this property should return UTF8String, right (not AnsiString in ANSI code page) ? If yes, then also TStringField must store internaly data in any unicode format (to not lose any characters), right ? So it can be UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32 ... in all cases we must allocate space 4*[max.number of characters in field], right ?
So in what encoding are string data stored now in TStringField ?

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