On 30.01.2011 12:06, Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 30 Jan 2011, at 09:45, Sven Barth wrote:

Only one minute slower in the complete run instead of four. I let you guys 
decide whether this is good enough ^^

It's still a lot of overhead.

Yes and that's why I'm thankful for every suggestion I can get (like your one).

An alternative solution could be to add a hashtable (tfphaslist) to tmodule 
whose entries are hashed on the qualified class names (unit$classname, since 
different units can contain classes with the same name). The value of such an 
entry would a tfpobjectlist of class helpers, with the last entry the one that 
is actually used. This list has to be updated whenever a symtablestack.push/pop 
is performed (you would probably have to wrap those calls, since the 
symtablestack itself is a fairly low level thing and I don't think it is 
supposed to know anything about tobjectdefs).

The reason for having a list of class helpers rather than only the current 
class helper, is because you would also have to remove class helpers again when 
its symtable is removed from the symtable stack, and this way you wouldn't have 
to search all previous symtables on the stack to see whether they also 
contained a class helper (simply remove all class helpers from the list whose 

Of course, this won't be free either since you have to scan all pushed 
symtables for class helpers, and when popping them you have to go through all 
hashtable items to remove the appropriate ones. I don't know whether overall it 
will be faster or slower than your current approach.

The need to scan all pushed symtables can be reduced by keeping the flag I introduced and using it for this purpose.

The reason the hashtable would have to be kept per module rather than simply 
adding the list of class helpers in scope to the tabstractrecorddef of the 
relevant record/class, is that in the latter case you would get into trouble 
whenever you switch from parsing one unit to another (which happens a lot while 
parsing uses-clauses). The reason is that you would have to save/restore the 
current class helpers in scope for every abstractrecorddef that has been loaded 
whenever you switched units.

Thank you for your suggestion. I'll try to implement this to see whether it helps.

PS: the fact that you can have classes with the same name in different units is 
something that requires special handling in any case. In Objective-C, there is 
a global class name space (so all classes with the same name are the same class 
according to the run time), but you probably need different class helper name 
mangling in the case of Object Pascal to prevent false collisions.

While I understand the difference between namespaces in case of Objective-C and Object Pascal, I don't understand why I should pay attention to the mangling of class helpers. I might be missing a small puzzle piece here, so would you please explain this?

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