I would like to ask somebody to look at these bug reports:

1. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18388
This bug report contains implementation of missing BcdToStrF function.
There is also discussion if FmtBCD unit is localized ... tests under Delphi (6,10) shows, that Delphi *uses* global variables DecimalSeparator (in StrToBCD, BCDToStr, BCDToStrF) and ThousandSeparator (in BCDToStrF).

2. http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18807
If fix in bug report (1) will be applied, then I can continue by adding overloaded functions TryStrToBCD, StrToBCD, BCDToStr with next parameter const Format: TFormatSettings (in style of TryStrToFloat etc. and also in Delphi compatible way)
and drop global variable DecimalPoint
and replace its using by either DefaultFormatSettings (when used function without Format parameter) or supplied Format parameter. So it will be something like this:

function TryStrToBCD ( const aValue : FmtBCDStringtype; // <--- here is not specified Format, so use DefaultFormatSettings
                          var BCD : tBCD ) : Boolean;
   Result:=TryStrToBCD(aValue, BCD, DefaultFormatSettings);

 function TryStrToBCD ( const aValue : FmtBCDStringtype;
                          var BCD : tBCD;
const Format: TFormatSettings ) : Boolean; // <--- here is explicitly specified Format, so use it
//here use Format.DecimalSeparator , Format.ThousandSeparator

I would like if we make progress in this, because then we can continue with other task related to this. Please let me know if you agree with this direction and if yes, then please apply fix in (1) and then I will prepare fix for (2)

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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