after doing some test with new implementation of TFmtBCDField for TSQLite3Connection connector I encounter this problem:

When you declare in SQLite some column as NUMERIC or DECIMAL then this column will have NUMERIC affinity.

If you insert in such column any numeric value (quoted or unquoted):
INSERT INTO t VALUES('123456789123456789.123456');

SQLite converts such numeric value to 8-byte floating point representation (REAL) or 8-byte integer (INTEGER), so:
(lost of precision occurs)
returns 123456789123456784

See: http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html#affinity
"A column with NUMERIC affinity may contain values using all five storage classes. When text data is inserted into a NUMERIC column, the storage class of the text is converted to INTEGER or REAL (in order of preference) if such conversion is lossless and reversible. For conversions between TEXT and REAL storage classes, SQLite considers the conversion to be lossless and reversible if the first 15 significant decimal digits of the number are preserved. If the lossless conversion of TEXT to INTEGER or REAL is not possible then the value is stored using the TEXT storage class. No attempt is made to convert NULL or BLOB values."

My original understanding was, that when I store big numbers as TEXT and lossless conversion to REAL can not be done, then value will be stored as TEXT, but in meaning in SQLite lossless is: " if the first 15 significant decimal digits of the number are preserved" (not all digits only first 15!!!)

I have asked about this in sqlite-users mailing list (topic "storing big numbers into NUMERIC, DECIMAL columns") and results are:
(I attach some of comments from sqlite-users mailing list)

A.) if we want preserve precision of BCD values we must store them as BLOBs (using sqlite3_bind_blob()) ... see (1) and (2) in attachment (with optimalization like : if BCDPrecision(...) > 15 then use sqlite3_bind_blob(...) else sqlite3_bind_double(...) ) Here my test shows, that if I store value like BLOB I still can do select like:
SELECT d+100 FROM t;
SELECT sum(d) FROM t;
SELECT * FROM t WHERE d>12345678912345678;
(it seems, that SQLite converts BLOB->TEXT->REAL ...of course precision is lost)

B.) does not support numbers (big exact numbers), which are not supported by SQLite (SQLite supports only REAL and INTEGER). ... see (3) So DECIMAL, NUMERIC map to ftFloat if "decimal places">4 (out of range ftBCD) and map to ftLargeInt if "decimal places"=0

What do you think, which way to go ?

Here are two options which will let you get the contents back to the original 

A) Store the values as BLOBs.
B) Store the value as TEXT, but add a non-digit to the beginning of each number 
value, for example


Both methods will prevent SQLite from trying to see the value as a number.  Oh 
and since nobody seems to have pointed it out yet, SQLite doesn't have a 
NUMERIC or a DECIMAL column type.  The types can be found here:


Putting INTEGER and REAL together gives you NUMERIC, but there's no way to 
declare a column of that type, just a value.  The page actually rehearses your 
problem, showing when strings containing numeric values can be converted to a 

You can store any big-number representation you like as TEXT or BLOB
values.  The main issue is that you'll lose syntactic sugar: SQLite3
won't be able to treat those as numeric values, therefore it won't be
able to compare numerically nor use arithmetic with such values.

If your goal is to work with any user database created outside of your
FreePascal connector then chances are that user will use the same
database outside of your FreePascal connector too. And if use declared
column as NUMERIC then he probably will expect numbers to be inserted
into that column (especially if the data type inside FreePascal is
also some sort of number). User also will probably execute some
queries that do some arithmetic operations on values in that column.
And they will be really surprised to see that not all the data is
numbers there.

So you better insert everything as numbers, let SQLite transform
everything to REAL and lose precision. And tell your users that it's
limitation of SQLite and you cannot do anything with it, only suggest
to insert big numbers as text.
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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