On Mon, 4 Apr 2011, LacaK wrote:

This fix http://svn.freepascal.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/trunk/packages/fcl-db/src/base/fields.inc?r1=17199&r2=17220 fixes mising call to TField.Validate (before data are written into record buffer) and adds also call to TField.DataChanged (after data are written)

But It seems to me, that DataChanged is now called 2 times

First in TDataSet descendants in SetFieldData method (see bufdataset.pas, dbf.pas, paradox.pp, meds.pp) and second in above mentioned place.

So it would be good remove this call from TDataSet descendants. For example for bufdataset.pas:

1860   if not (State in [dsCalcFields, dsFilter, dsNewValue]) then
1861     DataEvent(deFieldChange, Ptrint(Field));

Hm. No, we'll remove the call from TField.

There may be other descendants (AnyDac, Zeos and whatnot) that also call 
and OnValidate, and we cannot apply this change on them.

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