----- Original Message ----- From: "Marco van de Voort" <mar...@stack.nl>
To: "FPC developers' list" <fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org>
Sent: Friday, 29 April, 2011 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] type pointer to record before record.

In our previous episode, Skybuck Flying said:
I would first like to remark about this: "This is very newb unfriendly...
newbs might not know this... and will get frustrated by this
weird/odd/non-intuitive language construction".

It's in all manuals and books that describe pascal pointers that I know off.

A 13 or 15 year old kid that wants to learn pascal might not be able to afford such books.

Now some question about this:

1. Is there a compiler-related technical reason why it has to be like this ?
If so explain shortly...

Yes, as soon as a type block closes (when whatever next block starts), the
compiler knows that the types in the block must be completely defined. If
not he must deal with the possible incomplete state of identifiers
throughout the whole compiler, now only in the typeblock.

This seems little to nothing new compared to forward declarations, and perhaps call sites which call not yet linked in functions and/or perhaps while loops which do not yet know the end of the loop or repeat until statements.

2. Is there perhaps a technical solution for it so this is no longer
required ? If so how much effort would a solution cost ?

It's like Joerg remarks about the modifiers. Things can be done, but lead to
much larger problems to solve elsewhere. It is not worth it.

Give one example of such a problem ? ;)

That being said, the example is a more easily solved case. Since that is a
sequence of typeblocks rather than a alternation of different kind of

These type of problems are not easily solved by noobs who don't know this very peculiar thing.

Trouble is that after 42 years of pascal, cases like this can have been done
deliberate. IOW to limit forward looking and get errors earlier.

Mhoaw weak argument really, these kinds of coding problems are very common when coding and programmers will get used to that.

Changing this and partitioning the Pascal dialects in the ones that have it,
and the ones that have not (and most will have not) is idiotic.

You might be surprised but free pascal is already different than Delphi in this regard,

I came across one such example in the free pascal compiler code itself.

I had to move certain records, and change certain orders, not a huge problem for an experienced Delphi programmer like me ;)

(In case you interested in this difference, checkout my svn source tree where I attempted to port free pascal to Delphi, then search comments for "Skybuck" and perhaps "move" or something, somewhere in that source code/comments you'll find it).

3. (Does free pascal still follow these restrictions ? I guess so... )


Not entirely I would think... somewhere there is a difference with Delphi.

Final question assuming it's solvable::

4. Do you think it's worth to solve this oddity and make the language more
newb friendly and more intuitive ?

No. Not even the trivial repeated "TYPE" case.

Such changes create more confusion that they solve.

I don't think so, not with modern IDE's... if/when I want to know where a pointer type is declared I simply use "Find Declaration".

How could that possibly be confusing, especially when we new to the language change/feature know what is happening.

For a newb it probably doesn't matter for him it becomes more easy when using the new easified language ! ;) =D

(And again frustrating when he tries to port it to the old language).

5. Would it break anything ? (I think not... it would be an
extension/relaxation of the language...)

The repeated sequence of TYPE not that much, but people would rely on it,

In what possible way would they rely on it ? This seems very strange to me ! ;)

and it might confuse people using multiple compiler and dialects (errors
suddenly happen on different moments)

I don't think so, if they truely test their code on both compilers they will code for the compiler with the most restrictions, the new language feature does not present a problem for that.

As soon as you start with also allowing other blocks, then it becomes a
massive problem.

Neh, I think you exaggerating it greatly ;)

Unless it's allowed to declare these pointer types in other units which are used before the record is declared. Which in itself is kinda interesting anyway.

And perhaps even when these pointers are used in all kinds of records before the record is declared.

On the other hand this would allow some what more flexibility of data structures.

In general I don't have problems with how the things currently work, but these type limitations seem very odd, I saw C/other language programmers who thought it was impossible to do this in pascal... For them it might have been a reason to choose C over Pascal.


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