On Tue, 10 May 2011 08:30:28 +0200 (CEST), Michael Van Canneyt <mich...@freepascal.org> wrote:
On Tue, 10 May 2011, Darius Blaszyk wrote:


I've created a trivial front end for fppkg (see lazarus mailing list) but working on this I realized that they are not grouped in any way. Currently with approx. 70 packages this is not a real problem, but if the system will get used more widely it will be impossible to deduct the purpose (and possibly other info) from the package just by it's name.

Therefore I would like to request a new command named "info" that retrieves the info for a package from packages.xml. I would also like to add some more info in this file for a package:

- the topic that organizes the packages (FPC core / DB / buttons / charts / dialogs / etc)
- keywords to make it possible to search freely
- support contact (official / community)

See the following movie on youtube on a plugin system that has some of these features: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9yyJmh3dyU&feature=player_embedded

Are / were there any plans ever in this direction? Am I free to create a couple of patches?

It exists.

If you look at fprepos.pp :

  TFPPackage = Class(TStreamCollectionItem)
    Property Name : String Read FName Write SetName;
    Property Author : String Read FAuthor Write FAuthor;
    Property Version : TFPVersion Read FVersion Write SetVersion;
    Property License : String Read FLicense Write FLicense;
Property Description : String Read FDescription Write FDescription; Property HomepageURL : String Read FHomepageURL Write FHomepageURL; Property DownloadURL : String Read FDownloadURL Write FDownloadURL;
    Property FileName : String Read GetFileName Write FFileName;
    Property Email : String Read FEmail Write FEmail;

The same information can be stored in the fpmake.pp file.

All this info is supposed to be output in XML format from fpmake
--manifest. fppkg picks it up and stores it in the repository.

If you want to extend it to include a category and keywords, be my guest.

Thanks, that was the class indeed I was looking for to extend.


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