On 7/10/2011 2:40 PM, Daniël Mantione wrote:
However, for a new calling convention (on an existing or a new
platform) it's completely up to the compiler designer what will be
passed as const and what will be passed as reference.

Agreed. That's why I say you can't really make assumptions: if you assume a certain platform, you can make a limited set of assumptions (very limited as I will show in a moment). However one of FPC's great features is its cross-platform power, so I don't want to make assumptions about the platform. Without assumptions about platform you can make even less assumptions about const.

Within a certain calling convention, the behaviour of const is
defined and will not change.

Even if the calling convention does not change, the semantics can, as currently implemented. Even within a single platform const is ill-defined. Consider the case of AnsiString. There are three cases as it is currently implemented:

1) Ref count > 1 when passed as const parameter results in strict pass-by-value semantics 2) Ref count = 1 and you modify the original instance in-place results in the value of the parameter changing 3) Ref count = 1 and you modify the original reference such that the instance's ref count decreases to zero and it may crash or just give weird behavior

Although the programmer knows about reference counting, it is not expected for the programmer to know the details of the implementation, which can change. Therefore you cannot be 100% certain what the refcount is at any given time. And therefore you cannot be certain how const will be treated. We know the implementation will be pass-by-ref with no refcount change. The semantics could be pass-by-value, pass-by-ref, or just plain crashing, depending on details we cannot predict.

You Pascal code should be able to handle both value *and* reference.
 After all, with const you are leaving the decision to the compiler.
This is what it means in the end. Then your Pascal code should not
depend on specific behaviour.

Yes, I agree fully. That is the only choice with const. Constref, as it exists, with the addition of constval, provide a more precise form of expression on those occasions where one might feel the ambiguity of const is insufficient.

And before anyone says something, yes, I also understand that if you pass something as a const, you have to be prepared in case it is passed by reference, and you have to realize that if it is passed by reference, you have to promise not to modify the instance via another reference. That's OK.

I am a relative newcomer to Pascal, having used it about 1.5 years now. It was disturbing that something so important was not documented anywhere, and, in fact, there was documentation to the contrary. Aside from the lacking and sometimes incorrect documentation (I refer not only to FPC but to Delphi), I was surprised when the semantics of const AnsiStrings, which usually turn out to be pass-by-value, actually might not be in rare cases that are hard to predict.

Aside from good documentation (which Delphi is in need of too in this particular case), I am proposing constval in conjunction with the existing constref to provide greater expressive power and precision for the programmer.
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