Jonas Maebe  wrote / napísal(a):

On 02 Aug 2011, at 13:45, LacaK wrote:

What do you think, can we change MinDateTime from -693593.0 to -693594.0;
(to accept 01/01/0001 23:59:59.999)

Thanks, it seems, that Joost in 2007 has falling in same problem as I now, when working on fcl-db test suite.
(now I catch this also when working on fcl-db test suite)
I guess, that he has wrote tests for dates '01/01/0001' and now I am writting test for datetimes '01/01/0001 00:00:01' to '01/01/0001 23:59:59'. So if this constant can not be changed, then I must write workaround for date '01/01/0001' and do not add time part to this date.


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