On 14/9/2011 06:41, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara
<luiz...@oi.com.br>  wrote:
Because if someone for some reason, like porting Delphi code, stays with a
UTF16 string, under windows, when using RTL functions TWO conversions will
be made:

User Code (UTF16)>  RTL (UTF8)>  WINAPI (UTF16)
This would not happen because I proposed to have 2 versions of the
routines in the RTL. Not 1 UTF-8 version. There would be both UTF-8
and UTF-16 versions and one would naturally use the one which matches
his preferred encoding ... and the RTL would only convert the
non-native version

OK. The drawback is increasing file size of executables (that are already big).


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