On 18.09.2011 02:22, Flávio Etrusco wrote:
On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 10:59 AM, DaWorm<daw...@gmail.com>  wrote:
This might be total crap, so bear with me a moment,  In an object like
a Stringlist, there is a default property such as Strings, such that
List.Strings[1] is equivalent to List[1], is there not?  If, as in
.NET or Java, all strings become objects, then you could have a String
object whose default property is Chars, whose type isn't really a
char, but another String whose length is one entity.

That's somewhat what I was thinking. Actually something like

   UnicodeString = object
   strict private
     FEncoding: Integer;
     FBuffer: AnsiString;
     function GetCodePointAt(AIndex: SizeInt): Integer;
     procedure SetCodePoint(AIndex: SizeInt; p_Value: Integer);
     property CodePoint[AIndex: SizeInt]: Integer read GetCodePointAt
write SetCodePoint; default;

I just don't whether something like this is already implemented in the
test branches, at least for -err- testing...

Well... you can now take a look at trunk as well, because the changes from cpstrnew have been merged yesterday.


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