In our previous episode, Sven Barth said:
> >> But FPC also supports different C libraries (at least glibc and uclibc).
> >
> > Do we?  Formally I mean?  A few patches that allow interested people to play
> > with it, is something else from a supported target.
> I don't know whether it's formally, but the compiler contains enough 
> code to automatically detect the c libary (from the set of supported c 
> libraries) you are using.

"Tries to do a first order guess" is a better description than automated
IMHO :_0

But yes. I forgot that since FPC is mostly static, it doesn't matter much
what the release is linked against. (well, except for the IDE obviously)

> It doesn't even matter whether you're cross compiling or not (though the
> first requires some further options so that the compiler detects the
> library of the target system and not your own).  I personally use that
> feature for a small uclibc based Linux system of mine and so far(!) it
> works.

It's not just cross compiling. bi/multi-arch distributions are also pain.

There are some very old bugreports about this, and at the time Florian
talked about introducing sub-architectures, but the details never fleshed

Anyway, I think it would be good to simply being able to disable the
detection and override selection. (and that should IMHO be a rule for every
automatism: provide a way to disable/overrule it, IOW invoking human's privilege
over machines). It then can be simply added to CROSSOPT during build.

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