Am 25.09.2012 09:33, schrieb Cephas Atheos:
I'm seeing some traffic on fpc-devel and the other legitimate lists, and I
did get a success message when I reposted my original message, so some
things are getting through. I think you're right though, I need to change
my response address.

I forgot the banal horrors of mailing lists and reply-to vs from addresses
and all that stuffŠ Looks like I have some work to do just to get my hand

So, before I spam out the lists, has anyone seen my message? I got a
successful post message from the listbot, but no-one's replied to the
content as yetŠ I don't know whether that's because no-one wants to, or
because no-one else has seen it.

I've seen your mail on fpc-other and this was my answer to it (if you didn't get it):

=== mail begin ===

On 23.09.2012 18:34, Cephas Atheos wrote:
> As you may be aware, there are a number of significant problems with the
> FPC community site.
> For new users, it's a bit of a minefield, and isn't a really good
> introduction to the wonderful FPC community.

Out of curiosity: what problems ("mines" ) do you see in the current pages aside from broken links here and there (though they aren't that much, at least on the wiki...)?

=== mail end ===

fpc-devel maillist  -

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