Am 26.09.2012 14:36, schrieb Kostas Michalopoulos:
Then is community - FreePascal's current forums are awful and because
of that, dead. I'd suggest to archive them and install a modern board
that follows all the conventions that people have learned from the
hundreds of thousands of other forums out there. Mailing list is good
too, but to be honest they're hard to search and depend too much on
your mail client to be properly configured, etc.

If possible the FreePascal forums should be merged with the Lazarus
forums (but **NOT** in the current dreadful Lazarus site!) since,
honestly, a lot of people look for FreePascal via Lazarus. While
they're technically different projects, from an outsider's point of
view this distinction isn't important, especially considering how many
of Lazarus and FPC developers work on both projects.

You are not the only one with the idea to "give up" on the Free Pascal forums and integrate them with the Lazarus forum. I already read that idea some time ago on the core list.

Regarding mailing lists: If I know that certain content was sent since I'm registered I'll use my mailing client's search otherwise I do a "searchterm" in Google. ;)

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