On 05 Jan 2013, at 10:29, Martin Schreiber wrote:

> Are these stupid questions?

No, but I seem to be unable to explain how it works since you keep asking about 
things I already tried to explain before, but I clearly failed to do properly. 
I can keep repeating myself, but I'm not sure whether that will help anyone.

For example, I said that basically nothing changed in 2.7.x compared to 2.6.x, 
except that certain string constants are no longer automatically converted to 
utf-16 at compile time, and then you ask "Or should we not touch the theme 
strings and FPC anymore?". Since basically nothing changed except for a few 
less blind auto-conversions at compile time, why should you no longer be able 
to touch anything anymore?

Let me repeat: your string constants will be parsed by the compiler into 
character sequences with exactly the same content in both 2.6.x and 2.7.x (and 
with content I mean that if they would be converted to the same code page in 
2.6.x and in 2.7.x, you would end up with exactly the same binary data). 
Whether or not they contain character literals whose value is >#127 in the 
source code's code page, or explicit "#xx", "#xxx" etc expressions has no 
influence, nothing changed in the compiler in that account.

The *only* difference is that the compiler can now internally represent 
ansistrings with arbitrary code pages, and as a result the aforementioned 
character sequences may now be stored internally in the compiler in a different 
format, and also stored in the program in a different format if that can avoid 
conversions at run time. In particular, character sequences are no longer all 
converted immediately/by default/under all circumstances to UTF-16 in case 
characters >#127 need to be interpreted according to a particular code page 
(i.e., if a {$codepage xxx} directive is present).

The compiler will now only convert such character sequences to UTF-16, still at 
compile time (just like it was able to do in 2.6.x), if it is actually assigned 
to an UTF-16-encoded string, passed to an UTF-16 parameter etc. And the 
compiler will also convert it to another ansistring code page is case the 
character sequence appeared in e.g. a file with {$codepage utf-8} and is then 
assigned to a variable whose type is declared as "type ansistring(850)".

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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