On 01/28/13 13:20, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> tatata, you should always understand everything :)


> Since you can do the same with simple named methods too, 
> I see no need for creating the readibility horror that results of it.

Yup. I have also seen sample Delphi code where they used Generics. It
was on the Code of Horror website if I remember correctly. It was
ridiculously complex, unreadable, and probably a nightmare to debug. I
regard simplicity and readability very high in my code. It makes working
in a team so much easier too. That is what the Pascal language was all

>> I use avanced record syntax because it makes code more understandable.
> It offers nothing that objects didn't already have.

Yeah, what was that all about... "advanced records". They are nothing
more than the Objects introduced in Turbo Pascal days - and then
Embarcadero has the audacity to call it a "new language feature". LOL.

BTW: I still find it useful using Objects instead of Classes in some
places in my code.

  - Graeme -

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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