05.03.13, 14:10, Sven Barth wrote:

ObjFPC mode is not compatible with mode Delphi, because of conscious
decisions. Think for example about the "@" for procedure variable
assignments here or the use of symbolic operator names for overload
declarations, instead of words like Delphi did it. And generics are a
further example.

And I would left (if needed) only those minimal differences. Or even tried to reduce (removed own generics implementation and left only Delphi compatible). In any case I would not add more incompatibilities.

Many times the main point to have incompatibilites was: "We implemented it earlier". But regards generics how we implemeneted it earlier? Even now they have some bugs/missing features. And in 2009 when Delphi announced them they had much more (you know of course). That was more a prototype of generics. But inspite of that we did not drop our own implementation.

Regards for-in loop. To add it to objfpc mode I had to add 'enumerator' keyword. Who uses it? 1.5 developers who wants to see pascal clean?

Besides that I'm not against own features like string case or '+=' operations but I strongly against 2 implementations of 1 feature: one to be delphi compatible, one to satisfy few people from pascal community.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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