I have now browsed through the current mips documentation and have created a file that includes all opcodes, the version they are first in (starting with mips32) and a small comment what the mnemonic does.
This file is attached to this mail.

Out of this file it is easy to create both compiler/mips/strinst.inc and compiler/mips/opcode.inc.

Now I am looking for additional lines that I will need to add to this file, to find out what is necessary I have created a list of mnemonics that exist only in the original opcode.inc file (see later)

there are a number of entries in the form xxx64xxx and xxx32, xxxg and dxxx, all those do not seem to be valid for mips32 & up, where do those come from and which of those do I need to add?

There's one very strange entry in opcode.inc: 'b '

there is also 'b', is it necessary to have 'b ' ?

Thank you,


'b ',

Am 05.06.13 20:23, schrieb Michael Ring:
Thank you, the startup code is compiling now, I will send you a patch with the missing opcodes to have full support of mips32r2 soon.


Am 03.06.13 22:04, schrieb Sergei Gorelkin:
29.05.2013 21:44, Michael Ring пишет:
This is looking good now on first view, all statements seem to pass through now.

The only thing not working is the register error in mfc0 (and friends) command.

Now I will wade through some more code to find out why my nice param -CpMIPS32R2 is ignored by
assembler, it still defaults to MIPS2:

I hopefully fixed this issue in r24643, and the register naming issue in r24799.
Should you encounter more issues, do not hesitate to report them.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

// Translate this file with the following commands:
// cat opcodestrinst.txt | grep -v "^//" | grep -v "^$" | awk -F\| '{ print 
"A_" $1 ", // " $3 }' | sed -e "s,\.,_,g" >opcode.inc
// cat opcodestrinst.txt | grep -v "^//" | grep -v "^$" | sed -e "s,^P_,.,g"  
-e "s,.SET,p_set,g" | awk -F\| '{ print "^" $1 "^, // " $3 }' | tr '[:upper:]' 
'[:lower:]' | sed "s,\^,\',g" >strinst.inc

//Assembler specific Commands

//CPU Arithmetic Instructions
ADD|MIPS32|Add Word
ADDI|MIPS32|Add Immediate Word
ADDIU|MIPS32|Add Immediate Unsigned Word
ADDU|MIPS32|Add Unsigned Word
CLO|MIPS32|Count Leading Ones in Word
CLZ|MIPS32|Count Leading Zeros in Word
DIV|MIPS32|Divide Word
DIVU|MIPS32|Divide Unsigned Word
MADD|MIPS32|Multiply and Add Word to Hi, Lo
MADDU|MIPS32|Multiply and Add Unsigned Word to Hi, Lo
MSUB|MIPS32|Multiply and Subtract Word to Hi, Lo
MSUBU|MIPS32|Multiply and Subtract Unsigned Word to Hi, Lo
MUL|MIPS32|Multiply Word to GPR
MULT|MIPS32|Multiply Word
MULTU|MIPS32|Multiply Unsigned Word
SEB|MIPS32R2|Sign-Extend Byte
SEH|MIPS32R2|Sign-Extend Halftword
SLT|MIPS32|Set on Less Than
SLTI|MIPS32|Set on Less Than Immediate
SLTIU|MIPS32|Set on Less Than Immediate Unsigned
SLTU|MIPS32|Set on Less Than Unsigned
SUB|MIPS32|Subtract Word
SUBU|MIPS32|Subtract Word

//CPU Branch and Jump Instructions
B|MIPS32,AI|Unconditional Branch
BAL|MIPS32,AI|Branch and Link
BEQ|MIPS32|Branch on Equal
BGEZ|MIPS32|Branch on Greater Than or Equal to Zero
BGEZAL|MIPS32|Branch on Greater Than or Equal to Zero and Link
BGTZ|MIPS32|Branch on Greater Than Zero
BLEZ|MIPS32|Branch on Less Than or Equal to Zero
BLTZ|MIPS32|Branch on Less Than Zero
BLTZAL|MIPS32|Branch on Less Than Zero and Link
BNE|MIPS32|Branch on Not Equal
JAL|MIPS32|Jump and Link
JALR|MIPS32|Jump and Link Register
JALR.HB|MIPS32R2|Jump and Link Register with Hazard Barrier
JALX|MIPS32+MIPS16e|Jump and Link Exchange
JR|MIPS32|Jump Register
JR.HB|MIPS32R2|Jump Register with Hazard Barrier
EHB|MIPS32R2|Execution Hazard Barrier
NOP|MIPS32,AI|No Operation
PAUSE|MIPS32R2|Wait for LLBit to Clear
SSNOP|MIPS32|Superscalar No Operation

//CPU Load, Store, and Memory Control Instructions
LB|MIPS32|Load Byte
LBU|MIPS32|Load Byte Unsigned
LH|MIPS32|Load Halfword
LHU|MIPS32|Load Halfword Unsigned
LL|MIPS32|Load Linked Word
LW|MIPS32|Load Word
LWL|MIPS32|Load Word Left
LWR|MIPS32|Load Word Right
SB|MIPS32|Store Byte
SC|MIPS32|Store Conditional Word
SH|MIPS32|Store Halfword
SW|MIPS32|Store Word
SWL|MIPS32|Store Word Left
SWR|MIPS32|Store Word Right
SYNC|MIPS32|Synchronize Shared Memory
SYNCI|MIPS32R2|Synchronize Caches to Make Instruction Writes Effective

//CPU Logical Instructions
ANDI|MIPS32|And Immediate
LUI|MIPS32|Load Upper Immediate
ORI|MIPS32|Or Immediate
XOR|MIPS32|Exclusive Or
XORI|MIPS32|Exclusive Or Immediate

//CPU Insert/Extract Instructions
EXT|MIPS32R2|Extract Bit Field
INS|MIPS32R2|Insert Bit Field
WSBH|MIPS32R2|Word Swap Bytes Within Halfwords

//CPU Move Instructions
MFHI|MIPS32|Move From HI Register
MFLO|MIPS32|Move From LO Register
MOVF|MIPS32|Move Conditional on Floating Point False
MOVN|MIPS32|Move Conditional on Not Zero
MOVT|MIPS32|Move Conditional on Floating Point True
MOVZ|MIPS32|Move Conditional on Zero
MTHI|MIPS32|Move To HI Register
MTLO|MIPS32|Move To LO Register
RDHWR|MIPS32R2|Read Hardware Register

//CPU Shift Instructions
ROTR|MIPS32R2|Rotate Word Right
ROTRV|MIPS32R2|Rotate Word Right Variable
SLL|MIPS32|Shift Word Left Logical
SLLV|MIPS32|Shift Word Left Logical Variable
SRA|MIPS32|Shift Word Right Arithmetic
SRAV|MIPS32|Shift Word Right Arithmetic Variable
SRL|MIPS32|Shift Word Right Logical
SRLV|MIPS32|Shift Word Right Logical Variable

//CPU Trap Instructions
SYSCALL|MIPS32|System Call
TEQ|MIPS32|Trap if Equal
TEQI|MIPS32|Trap if Equal Immediate
TGE|MIPS32|Trap if Greater or Equal
TGEI|MIPS32|Trap if Greater of Equal Immediate
TGEIU|MIPS32|Trap if Greater or Equal Immediate Unsigned
TGEU|MIPS32|Trap if Greater or Equal Unsigned
TLT|MIPS32|Trap if Less Than
TLTI|MIPS32|Trap if Less Than Immediate
TLTIU|MIPS32|Trap if Less Than Immediate Unsigned
TLTU|MIPS32|Trap if Less Than Unsigned
TNE|MIPS32|Trap if Not Equal
TNEI|MIPS32|Trap if Not Equal Immediate

//Obsolete CPU Branch Instructions
BEQL|MIPS32,OB|Branch on Equal Likely
BGEZALL|MIPS32,OB|Branch on Greater Than or Equal to Zero and Link Likely
BGEZL|MIPS32,OB|Branch on Greater Than or Equal to Zero Likely
BGTZL|MIPS32,OB|Branch on Greater Than Zero Likely
BLEZL|MIPS32,OB|Branch on Less Than or Equal to Zero Likely
BLTZALL|MIPS32,OB|Branch on Less Than Zero and Link Likely
BLTZL|MIPS32,OB|Branch on Less Than Zero Likely
BNEL|MIPS32,OB|Branch on Not Equal Likely

//FPU Arithmetic Instructions
ABS.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Absolute Value
ABS.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Absolute Value
ABS.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Absolute Value
ADD.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Add
ADD.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Add
ADD.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Add
DIV.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Divide
DIV.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Divide
MADD.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Multiply Add
MADD.D|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Multiply Add
MADD.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Multiply Add
MSUB.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Multiply Subtract
MSUB.D|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Multiply Subtract
MSUB.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Multiply Subtract
MUL.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Multiply
MUL.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Multiply
MUL.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Multiply
NEG.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Negate
NEG.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Negate
NEG.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Negate
NMADD.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Negative Multiply Add
NMADD.D|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Negative Multiply Add
NMADD.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Negative Multiply Add
NMSUB.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Negative Multiply Subtract
NMSUB.D|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Negative Multiply Subtract
NMSUB.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Negative Multiply Subtract
RECIP.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Reciprocal Approximation
RECIP.D|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Reciprocal Approximation
RSQRT.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Reciprocal Square Root Approximation
RSQRT.D|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Reciprocal Square Root Approximation
SQRT.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Square Root
SQRT.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Square Root
SUB.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Subtract
SUB.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Subtract
SUB.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Subtract

//FPU Branch Instructions
BC1F|MIPS32|Branch on FP False
BC1T|MIPS32|Branch on FP True

//FPU Compare Instructions
C.F.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.F.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.F.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.UN.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.UN.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.UN.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.EQ.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.EQ.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.EQ.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.UEQ.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.UEQ.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.UEQ.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.OLT.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.OLT.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.OLT.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.ULT.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.ULT.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.ULT.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.OLE.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.OLE.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.OLE.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.ULE.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.ULE.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.ULE.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.SF.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.SF.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.SF.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.NGLE.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.NGLE.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.NGLE.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.SEQ.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.SEQ.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.SEQ.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.NGL.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.NGL.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.NGL.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.LT.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.LT.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.LT.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.NGE.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.NGE.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.NGE.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.LE.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.LE.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.LE.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
C.NGT.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.NGT.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Compare
C.NGT.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Compare
ALNV.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Align Variable
CEIL.L.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Ceiling Convert to Long Fixed Point
CEIL.L.D|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Ceiling Convert to Long Fixed Point
CEIL.W.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Ceiling Convert to Word Fixed Point
CEIL.W.D|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Ceiling Convert to Word Fixed Point
CVT.D.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Convert to Double Floating Point
CVT.D.W|MIPS32|Floating Point Convert to Double Floating Point
CVT.D.L|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Convert to Double Floating Point
CVT.L.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Convert to Long Fixed Point
CVT.L.D|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Convert to Long Fixed Point
CVT.PS.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Convert Pair to Paired Single
CVT.S.PL|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Convert Pair Lower to Single Floating 
CVT.S.PU|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Convert Pair Upper to Single Floating 
CVT.S.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Convert to Single Floating Point
CVT.S.W|MIPS32|Floating Point Convert to Single Floating Point
CVT.S.L|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Convert to Single Floating Point
CVT.W.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Convert to Word Fixed Point
CVT.W.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Convert to Word Fixed Point
FLOOR.L.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Floor Convert to Long Fixed Point
FLOOR.L.D|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Floor Convert to Long Fixed Point
FLOOR.W.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Floor Convert to Word Fixed Point
FLOOR.W.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Floor Convert to Word Fixed Point
PLL.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Pair Lower Lower
PLU.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Pair Lower Upper
PUL.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Pair Upper Lower
PUU.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Pair Upper Upper
ROUND.L.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Round to Long Fixed Point
ROUND.L.D|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Round to Long Fixed Point
ROUND.W.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Round to Word Fixed Point
ROUND.W.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Round to Word Fixed Point
TRUNC.L.S|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Truncate to Long Fixed Point
TRUNC.L.D|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Truncate to Long Fixed Point
TRUNC.W.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Truncate to Word Fixed Point
TRUNC.W.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Truncate to Word Fixed Point

//FPU Load, Store, and Memory Control Instructions
LDC1|MIPS32|Load Doubleword to Floating Point
LDXC1|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Load Doubleword Indexed to Floating Point
LUXC1|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Load Doubleword Indexed Unaligned to Floating Point
LWC1|MIPS32|Load Word to Floating Point
LWXC1|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Load Word Indexed to Floating Point
PREFX|MIPS32|Prefetch Indexed
SDC1|MIPS32|Store Doubleword from Floating Point
SDXC1|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Store Doubleword Indexed from Floating Point
SUXC1|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Store Doubleword Indexed Unaligned from Floating Point
SWC1|MIPS32|Store Word from Floating Point
SWXC1|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Store Word Indexed from Floating Point

//FPU Move Instructions
CFC1|MIPS32|Move Control Word from Floating Point
CTC1|MIPS32|Move Control Word to Floating Point
MFC1|MIPS32|Move Word from Floating Point
MFHC1|MIPS32R2|Move Word from High Half of Floating Point Register
MOV.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Move
MOV.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Move
MOV.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Move
MOVF.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Move Conditional on Floating Point False
MOVF.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Move Conditional on Floating Point False
MOVF.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Move Conditional on Floating Point False
MOVN.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Move Conditional on Not Zero
MOVN.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Move Conditional on Not Zero
MOVN.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Move Conditional on Not Zero
MOVT.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Move Conditional on Floating Point True
MOVT.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Move Conditional on Floating Point True
MOVT.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Move Conditional on Floating Point True
MOVZ.S|MIPS32|Floating Point Move Conditional on Zero
MOVZ.D|MIPS32|Floating Point Move Conditional on Zero
MOVZ.PS|MIPS64,MIPS32R2|Floating Point Move Conditional on Zero
MTC1|MIPS32|Move Word to Floating Point
MTHC1|MIPS32R2|Move Word to High Half of Floating Point Register

//Obsolete FPU Branch Instructions
BC1FL|MIPS32,OB|Branch on FP False Likely
BC1TL|MIPS32,OB|Branch on FP True Likely

//Coprocessor Branch Instructions
BC2F|MIPS32|Branch on COP2 False
BC2T|MIPS32|Branch on COP2 True

//Coprocessor Execute Instructions
COP2|MIPS32|Coprocessor Operation to Coprocessor 2

//Coprocessor Load and Store Instructions
LDC2|MIPS32|Load Doubleword to Coprocessor 2
LWC2|MIPS32|Load Word to Coprocessor 2
SDC2|MIPS32|Store Doubleword from Coprocessor 2
SWC2|MIPS32|Store Word from Coprocessor 2

//Coprocessor Move Instructions
CFC2|MIPS32|Move Control Word from Coprocessor 2
CTC2|MIPS32|Move Control Word to Coprocessor 2
MFC2|MIPS32|Move Word from Coprocessor 2
MFHC2|MIPS32R2|Move Word from High Half of Coprocessor 2 Register
MTC2|MIPS32|Move Word to Coprocessor 2
MTHC2|MIPS32R2|Move Word to High Half of Coprocessor 2 Register

//Obsolete Coprocessor Branch Instructions
BC2FL|MIPS32,OB|Branch on COP2 False Likely
BC2TL|MIPS32,OB|Branch on COP2 True Likely

//Privileged Instructions
CACHE|MIPS32|Perform Cache Operation
DI|MIPS32R2|Disable Interrupts
EI|MIPS32R2|Enable Interrupts
ERET|MIPS32|Exception Return
MFC0|MIPS32|Move from Coprocessor 0
MTC0|MIPS32|Move to Coprocessor 0
RDPGPR|MIPS32R2|Read GPR from Previous Shadow Set
TLBP|MIPS32|Probe TLB for Matching Entry
TLBR|MIPS32|Read Indexed TLB Entry
TLBWI|MIPS32|Write Indexed TLB Entry
TLBWR|MIPS32|Write Random TLB Entry
WAIT|MIPS32|Enter Standby Mode
WRPGPR|MIPS32R2|Write GPR to Previous Shadow Set

//EJTAG Instructions
DERET|MIPS32,EJTAG|Debug Exception Return
SDBBP|MIPS32,EJTAG|Software Debug Breakpoint
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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