On Fri, September 27, 2013 12:21, Bernd Oppolzer wrote:
> Am 26.09.2013 22:33, schrieb Tomas Hajny:

Hi Bernd,

>> Anyway, as I mentioned - I can imagine that it may be fun (similarly to
>> my attempts to keep and improve the OS/2 support which is also used very
>> rarely by others at best ;-) ), I just wanted to understand if there was
>> any idea how it would be used in reality.
> Only for the record:
> I have two OS/2 machines running - used for developing portable C
> applications,
> for example targetting Windows, Unix and IBM mainframes - and I would
> like to get
> a version of FPC running there, producing executables for OS/2 and for the
> virtual DOS boxes inside OS/2, too - if that is possible.

Yes, that is perfectly possible. As you probably know, native OS/2 version
is available from our download pages and you may easily install the files
necessary for targetting the DOS boxes in one shot (using the same
installer included in the OS/2 version - just add the smaller ZIP files
included in the GO32v2 version into the same directory where you also
unpack the OS/2 big ZIP file and select whatever you like to include in
the installer form).

The only minor issue with cross-compiling from OS/2 to GO32v2 using the
2.6.x version is that you still need an external linker for that and this
makes things a bit more difficult (mostly due to the way how invocation of
DOS programs from OS/2 sessions works and potentially also due to OS/2
VDMs not providing LFN support which may be necessary when working with
long file names - including those found in some FPC packages). This issue
doesn't exist with the trunk version any longer since internal GO32v2
linker is included there.

> But I didn't find the time to do it, so far. On Win XP, everything runs
> fine,
> but a cross-compile there with OS/2 target didn't work. Don't know what
> I missed. Is it possible to build FPC on the OS/2 machines, directly?
> How could I do that?
> You could answer me offline, if you like.

Actually, I already answered to your question in July in thread "Porting
FPC to IBM zArch" - see
http://lists.freepascal.org/lists/fpc-devel/2013-July/032499.html (I
suppose that it dropped your attention somehow). My offer from bottom of
that e-mail is still valid, of course - if you have issues, let me know
(either via fpc-pascal list or directly).


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