The funny thing is that when I ignore fastcgi (and 1 or 2 other packages) every 
thing compiles fine. Even compiling and running lazarus. 
So i wondered wat is so special with fastcgi. I‘ll try OPT

Sent from my ASUS Pad

Florian Klaempfl <> wrote:

>Am 28.03.2014 21:36, schrieb Marc Weustink:
>> Hi, I was playing with GNUroot/debian on my android pad and installed fpc 
>> 2.6.0 since 2.6.4 was not available.
>> After that I tried to build 2.6.4 from svn. However make all stopped when 
>> building fastcgi:
>> /usr/bin/make -C fastcgi all
>> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/fpc-2.6.4/packages/fastcgi'
>> /usr/bin/ppcarm fpmake.pp -n -Fu../../rtl/units/arm-linux 
>> -Fu../../packages/hash/units/arm-linux 
>> -Fu../../packages/paszlib/units/arm-linux 
>> -Fu../../packages/fcl-process/units/arm-linux 
>> -Fu../../packages/fpmkunit/units/arm-linux
>> /usr/bin/ld: warning: link.res contains output sections; did you forget -T?
>> /home/fpc-2.6.4/rtl/units/arm-linux/cprt0.o: In function `_haltproc_eabi':
>> (.text+0x88): undefined reference to `_fini'
>> /home/fpc-2.6.4/rtl/units/arm-linux/cprt0.o: In function `_haltproc_eabi':
>> (.text+0x90): undefined reference to `_init'
>> fpmake.pp(30,38) Error: Error while linking
>> fpmake.pp(30,38) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
>> Fatal: Compilation aborted
>> make[1]: *** [fpmake] Error 1
>> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fpc-2.6.4/packages/fastcgi'
>> make: *** [fastcgi_all] Error 2
>2.6.x does not warn if it misses init files: debian recently changed the 
>locations of the init files.
>So fixes probably misses r22004, r22416 and r23892.
>Please try to compiled with OPT=-Fl/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi
>fpc-devel maillist  -
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