Sven Barth schrieb:
On 20.09.2014 13:42, Sven Barth wrote:
On 20.09.2014 13:11, Peter Popov wrote:

- to remedy this TObject is extended with non-virtual methods that allow manual reference counting and would rely on the RTTI data I mentioned (let's call the methods AddRef, Release, IsReferenceCounted and RefCount for now, which can also be used to hook up the reference counting of IUnknown interfaces);

I'd add a _RefCount field to TObject, regardless of whether it's really used later; this will fix the field offset - just like the VMT reference is fixed in TObject, but not in Object types. This will eliminate problems with class helpers.

This approach also would allow to switch any object from managed to unmanaged on the fly, by setting the counter to -1, because the special value -1 already indicates an unmanaged/const memory object (like with string literals).

In my first draft I considered virtual _AddRef/_Release methods, but calling a virtual method is more expensive than calling or inlining a static method.

 the code from above would then look like this to
make it safe:

=== code begin ===

function CreateObject: TObject;
  Result := TARCObject.Create;

=== code end ===

Here the compiler would always insert _AddRef, just like with interfaces, eventually optimized (inlined?) like:
  if Result._RefCounter <> -1 then
    Result._AddRef; //or InterlockedIncrement(Result._RefCounter);

- TObject.Free would be extended to take reference counting into account as well. If the object is reference counted (IsReferenceCounted returns true) it will call Release and otherwise it will continue to Destroy. - there would be a TARCObject declared in System which is a direct descendant of TObject, but with reference counting enabled; same maybe also for TInterfacedObject

The convention, of -1 meaning unmanaged, favors managed objects by default, when InitInstance zeroes all fields of the instance just created. But when the VMT reference must be excluded or inserted afterwards afterwards, then _RefCount can be initialized at the same time (to -1 for the unmanaged default). Later on a TARCObject base class constructor/initializer will reset _RefCount to zero again.

- all classes can now have operator overloads as well though it should be warned in the documentation that non-reference counted objects might result in memory leaks there

...unless operators also test _RefCount

- this now only leaves the problems of cycles; take this code:

=== code begin ===

  TSomeClass = class(TARCObject)
    Children: specialize TList<TSomeClass>;
    Owner: TSomeClass;
    constructor Create(aOwner: TSomeClass);

constructor TSomeClass.Create(aOwner: TSomeClass);
  Children := specialize TList<TSomeClass>.Create;
  Owner := aOwner;
  if Assigned(Owner) then

Here I'd prefer
so that the Owner can implement any decent/appropriate child management under the hood.

procedure Test;
  t1, t2: TSomeClass;
  t1 := TSomeClass.Create(Nil);
  t2 := TSomeClass.Create(t1);
  // do something

=== code end ===

Now once Test is left it would leave the instances which were assigned to t1 and t2 hanging, because they have references to each other.

This depends on the implementation of TOwner.Children[] and TChild.Owner. Is a stored TChild.Owner reference really required in a managaged environment? IMO a (strong) unidirectional reference from Owner to Child will do it all. Then no child will be destroyed, as long as its owner holds a reference to it. That's the intended purpose of both owner/child and automatic memory management.

When it's desireable to definitely destroy an owned object at will, then its owner must be known, of course. In this case two different management approaches conflict with each other. In this case I'd accept a weak Owner reference, because the referenced Owner will stay alive longer than it's listed children.

More problematic are circular references without a decicated owner/child relationship.

There are (as far as I see) three ways to solve this:
* provide a way to break the circle (in this example e.g. setting Owner to Nil before leaving Test; this is what Delphi provides with the DisposeOf virtual method)
* introduce weak references which would disable reference counting, e.g.:

=== code begin ===

  TSomeClass = class(TARCObject)
    // ...
    Owner: TSomeClass weak;
    // ...

=== code end ===

Now the "TSomeClass.Create(t1)" line in "Test" wouldn't increase the reference count of "t1" further and thus both class instances would be destroyed after "Test" is left.

This IMO is the preferable way to go, in a definite owner/child relationship. The lifetime of an owner can not depend on the existence of owned children, so that the owner will survive until it has destroyed/released all his children himself. A child-to-owner reference is not required in automatic management, it only is required when it must be possible to definitely destroy an owned child object.

Otherwise cyclic references *without* a definite owner/child relationship are really problematic:

* provide a possibilty to execute a cycle detection algorithm during the Release part of the reference counting; this has the benefit of avoiding the need for "weak", but there would be the problem that the algorithm can be potentially expensive especially with large object instance hierarchies (think LCL here) and this would also need to be executed for *each* decrement of the reference count, thus for both the automated one (which till now could have been rather efficient) and the manual one.

That's the classic mark/sweep approach, with all its known drawbacks; in detail its asynchronous destruction of objects is a known troublemaker in OOP, see "Why a garbage collector never should call an destructor...".

In such cases IMO the developer should establish a definite owner/child relationship, by e.g. making all but one reference Weak, or by a special (intelligent) _Release method.

Even if I mentioned the use of Weak references as possible solutions of some problems, I still don't favor such solutions for the already mentioned reasons.


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