On 10/13/2015 04:32 AM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Mon, 12 Oct 2015, wkitt...@windstream.net wrote:

On 10/12/2015 03:43 PM, Martin Frb wrote:
Actually the above does not represent what the actual feature request is about

The "else" is to be executed, after the while (even if the while looped ZERO
But it is to be skipped if the while exited via break (and only then).

For that reason "else" or "otherwise" are badly chosen keywords. Because they
imply a different function.

exactly my and others' points... "and" would be better but then one might just
as easily use a goto to jump around that part if break was used to get out of
the loop...

anyway, it seems that no matter what the discussion, it won't make it into the
compiler... that according to another post from a compiler dev ;)

Maybe my remark was not clear.

I'm not against this *functionality*.

I merely pointed out that *the syntax using 'else'* is not going to make it
because it breaks backwards compatibility.

ahhhh... my bad... sorry 'bout that... i've been thinking about this, too... 'else' and 'otherwise' mean the same thing... what they seem to be looking for is 'aswell'...

foo := 0;
while foo < 100 do

either 'aswell' or 'aswellas'... while foo is less than 100 increment foo as well as decrement foo when it is no longer less than 100...

i don't see a need for it because in this case if one wants foo to only get to 99, then they should use 99 as their count...

foo := 0;
while foo < 99 do

at the end of the loop, foo will equal 99... but it is also a very simple 

If another keyword is used: no problem.


I don't understand why anyone would want this marginal functionality and thus
(again) needlessly complicates the language, but hey, it's a (mostly) free

Alas, the monstrosity that Object Pascal syntax is becoming is less and less
appealing by the day, it's simply frightening...

it seems that way... but it doesn't mean that we have to use it... we can stay with the traditional ways and means within whatever it becomes as long as they don't change with these undesirable extensions...

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