On 3/27/2019 10:28 AM, Tomas Hajny wrote:
On Wed, March 27, 2019 14:53, Yves Boudeville wrote:

Merci Tomas pour votre sympathique aide sur le Free Pascal.

Pas de quoi / you're welcome. :-)

I absolutely agree with you Tomas, I can do very interesting simulations
1920 x 1080 in using only Windows 10 / 64 bits for Fpc/Ptc and also I am
conviced that Raspberry Rpi3 B+ ( 33.85 Euros) is a fantastic tool to
do cheap scientific models. This is the reason why I am a little
To develop my scientific stuff, I have been helped very kindly by
Nikolay Nikolov who, I hope, shall develop new PtcGraph modes
in FpcPASCAL to reach in light programs the full HDMI capacity 1920 x
1080  x 65536c of the Rpi3 with the latest OS under Raspbian "stretch".

Admittedly, FPC doesn't seem to support the resolution 1920x1080
(hi-colour or true colour) on Unix platforms at the moment. I believe that
Nikolay is subscribed to this list, he might be able to respond himself
whether he sees possibility to extend the list of supported modes there.


I am also *very* interested to see if www.Ultibo.org will support PTC!



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