> 1) In you example you are writing this with normal arrays:
> A[0].X := 0;
> And in my implementation it's exactly the same. Regarding writing the entire 
> type directly
> A[0]^ := V;
> If using the caret symbol ^ or an Item property is a deal breaker, then this 
> can be simplified using a custom smart pointer type similar to how the 
> aligned array type was implemented resulting in the same syntax as in the 
> first example.

Yes, returning temporary smart pointer would do the trick. -1 syntax 
incompatibility then.
I see this as a definite improvement.

> 2) As I've implemented them aligned array is compatible with dynamic arrays. 
> They implicitly convert between the two with no loss of data. If you truly 
> want to share the data within each, then you can define functions to work on 
> referencing the data types they hold, allowing the same function to serve 
> either type.

Well. Converting arrays is too slow to be usable, imho. Think about textures, 
vertex buffers, etc.

> For example:
> procedure VectorTransform(Matrix: TMat4; FirstVertex: PVec3; Count: Integer);
> and then
> Matrix.Rotate(12.5, 0, 0);
> VectorTransform(Matrix, AlignedData[0], AlignedData.Length);
> VectorTransform(Matrix, @DynamicArray[0], Length(AlignedData));
> Or you can even overload VectorTransform if you don't want to see @ symbols.
> procedure VectorTransform(Matrix: TMat4; FirstVertex: var TVec3; Count: 
> Integer); overload;

It's all right and will eventually work. 

But you miss much larger problem - that will require a lot of 
boilerplate/conversion/manual work.
Think about mixing 3 graphical libraries using different array/matrix/vertex 
types. Instead of re-using each others code, one would eventually write 4th 
FPC community is too small to afford such useless combinatorics.

> 3) Regarding Hi, Lo, Length, I prefer to put these functions on types. For 
> example
> for I := A.Lo to A.Hi do A[I].X := I;
> Is that such a deal breaker?

Yes. Generics / generic functions is a big deal.
That would need two different functions for each different _array_ type.

Denis Golovan
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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