Am 19.04.2019 um 10:37 schrieb Christo Crause:
> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 4:40 PM Florian Klämpfl < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Am 18. April 2019 12:07:33 schrieb "Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis via 
> fpc-devel" <
>     <>>:
>     > Hi,
>     >
>     >   I'll appreciate if you can tell me if the AVR target will continue to
>     > be supported. Is there a maintainer for this target ?
>     Define maintainer. I did most of the port,  I fix bugs from time to time 
> and apply patches.
> Florian, there is no doubt that you are active in many (probably all) aspects 
> of FPC, including AVR & embedded. My
> concern is that there is no other regular maintainer/developer for this part 
> of the compiler currently.  Jeppe was quite
> active in contributing to AVR a couple of years ago, but his focus seems to 
> have shifted to developing FPC support for
> other architectures. While you are often quick to react to bugs and 
> evaluating patches, there are a couple of other
> instances where reported issues have been left hanging in an unresolved 
> state.  Again, I mean no criticism here, I just
> want to point out that despite your prolific support some issues fall off the 
> radar.

The best approach is in this case imo asking at the mailing list, if an issue 
is really important.

> It is my perception that a platform maintainer would focus on tracking, 
> fixing, patching or re-assigning platform
> specific issues as required to ensure that issues don't get forgotten.  The 
> alternative practice of bumping issues to
> keep them on the radar is not my preference.

Yes, this is exactly what I wanted to point out. In the strict sense, no target 
has a maintainer. The same you mentioned
applies even to the "first tier" targets of FPC. There is not really an 
official win32/win64 or linux maintainer. There
are people typically building the releases for a certain target, but that's it. 
One reason is also that the scope of the
FPC sources is so broad that not everybody can cover everything. While I can 
fix compiler stuff and basic rtl stuff for
almost all targets probably comparable easily, fixing e.g. data base related 
stuff requires much more effort for me
because I am not familiar with it. So even if I was called the win64 
maintainer, I would not touch database bugs on win64.

At the end of the day for a community driven project OSS like FPC the situation 
is: you have the current state available
and the sources. What happens in the future, is unpredictable.

Still, I am interested in the AVR target because I think keep FPC working on a 
little platform (resource-wise: memory, 8
bit, RISC) helps FPC in general.

> Anyway, thank you for the progress of AVR support so far. I think there is 
> still scope for improvement and feature
> growth both for AVR specifically and embedded in general.
fpc-devel maillist  -

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