On 28/04/2019 09:55, Ondrej Pokorny wrote:
IMO there is an unnecessary Move() operation in fpc_AnsiStr_To_AnsiStr
if (orgcp=cp).
fpc_AnsiStr_To_AnsiStr creates a copy of the AnsiString even if the
destination and source codepages are equal. See:
program AnsiUtf8;
Utf8Str: UTF8String;
RawStr: RawByteString;
Str: string;
DefaultSystemCodePage := CP_UTF8;
Utf8Str := 'hello';
Str := Utf8Str; // this makes a copy (fpc_AnsiStr_To_AnsiStr -> Move)
RawStr := 'hello';
SetCodePage(RawStr, CP_UTF8, False);
Str := RawStr; // this doesn't make a copy
Is there a reason for this?
It's probably what Delphi does as well. The result is that the refcount
of a string after such an assignment is currently always one. I've had
my share for now fighting with people who rely on implementation details
(like this is one), so I'd rather not change that unless Delphi does it
too (and even then we may get complaints that FPC is not backwards
compatible in this respect).
See the attached patch.
Your patch will return an empty string if orgcp is different from both
cp and CP_NONE.
fpc-devel maillist - fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org