Am 20.08.20 um 15:09 schrieb J. Gareth Moreton:
Oh dear, that's a shame.  Havoc sounds fun though!  Part of me wants to try 
anyway because I'm masochistic like that, but I'll do that privately.

As an example, here's something from the classes unit - see how many references there are to [sp, #16].

This is not a matter of non-available registers but of the fact that self in a constructor must be always stored in memory else it couldn't be accessed properly in case of an exception. The proper approach to overcome this is imo to do this at the node level:
- find variables which are read a lot but non-regable
- replace read access by a regable tempref which is loaded before the reads

It might not be exactly the same as what you get as I'm working on improving 
some peephole optimisations,
especially the large numbers of "ldr x0,[sp. #16]" instructions:

.section .text.n_classes$_$tbits_$__$$_create$longint$$tbits,"ax"
        .balign 8
        .type   CLASSES$_$TBITS_$__$$_CREATE$LONGINT$$TBITS,@function
        stp     x29,x30,[sp, #-16]!
        mov     x29,sp
        sub     sp,sp,#432
        str     x0,[sp, #16]
        str     x1,[sp, #8]
        str     w2,[sp]
        ldr     x0,[sp, #8]
        cmp     x0,#1    .Lj90
        ldr     x0,[sp, #16]
        ldr     x1,[sp, #16]
        ldr     x1,[x1, #104]
        blr     x1
        str     x0,[sp, #16]
        ldr     x0,[sp, #16]
        cbz     x0,.Lj87
        add     x2,sp,#32
        add     x1,sp,#56
        movz    w0,#1
        bl      fpc_pushexceptaddr
        bl      fpc_setjmp
        ubfiz   x0,x0,#0,#32
        sxtw    x1,w0
        str     x1,[sp, #224]
        cbnz    w0,.Lj97
        movn    x0,#0
        str     x0,[sp, #24]
        ldr     x0,[sp, #16]
        str     wzr,[x0, #16]
        ldr     x0,[sp, #16]
        str     wzr,[x0, #20]
        ldr     x0,[sp, #16]
        str     xzr,[x0, #8]
        ldr     x0,[sp, #16]
        movn    w1,#0
        str     w1,[x0, #24]
        ldr     x0,[sp, #16]
        movz    w1,#1
        strb    w1,[x0, #28]
        ldr     w0,[sp]
        cmp     w0,#0
        b.le    .Lj100
        ldr     w1,[sp]
        ldr     x0,[sp, #16]
        bl      CLASSES$_$TBITS_$__$$_GROW$LONGINT
        movz    x0,#1
        str     x0,[sp, #24]
        ldr     x0,[sp, #16]
        cmp     x0,#0
        cset    w0,ne
        ldr     x1,[sp, #8]
        cmp     x1,#0
        cset    w1,ne
        and     w0,w1,w0
        cbz     w0,.Lj102
        ldr     x0,[sp, #16]
        ldr     x1,[sp, #16]
        ldr     x1,[x1]
        ldr     x1,[x1, #136]
        blr     x1
        bl      fpc_popaddrstack
        ldr     x0,[sp, #224]
        cbz     x0,.Lj95
        add     x2,sp,#232
        add     x1,sp,#256
        movz    w0,#1
        bl      fpc_pushexceptaddr
        bl      fpc_setjmp
        ubfiz   x0,x0,#0,#32
        sxtw    x1,w0
        str     x1,[sp, #424]
        cbnz    w0,.Lj103
        ldr     x0,[sp, #8]
        cbz     x0,.Lj105
        ldr     x1,[sp, #24]
        ldr     x0,[sp, #16]
        ldr     x2,[sp, #16]
        ldr     x2,[x2]
        ldr     x2,[x2, #96]
        blr     x2
        bl      fpc_popaddrstack
        bl      fpc_reraise
        bl      fpc_popaddrstack
        ldr     x0,[sp, #424]
        cbz     x0,.Lj106
        bl      fpc_raise_nested
        bl      fpc_doneexception
        ldr     x0,[sp, #16]
        mov     sp,x29
        ldp     x29,x30,[sp], #16
        .size   CLASSES$_$TBITS_$__$$_CREATE$LONGINT$$TBITS, .Le9 - 

fpc-devel maillist  -

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