and the FPC implementation is actually documented to not be stable in the code:


Average performance: O(n log n)
Worst performance: O(n*n)
Extra memory use: O(log n) on the stack
Stable: no
Additional notes: Uses the middle element asthe pivot. This makes it work
well also on already sorted sequences, which can occur
often in practice. As expected from QuickSort, it works
best on random sequencesand is usually the fastest
algorithm to sort them. It is, however, possible for a
malicious user to craft special sequences, which trigger
its worst O(n*n)case. They can also occur in practice,
although they are veryunlikely. If this is not an
acceptable risk (e.g.for high risk applications,
security-conscious applications or applications with hard
real-time requirements),another sorting algorithm must
be used.

and one can see that it is indeed not stable, if you sort ['a','b','A']  case-insensitively, it becomes ['A', 'a','b']

If you want a stable sort, you need to use things like merge sort instead.

I wanted a stable sort and implemented merge sort, and it was far too slow to be usable.

Now I use the sortbase quicksort, but sort an array of pointers to the actual array, so the compare function can compare the indices for equal elements.

On 29.11.22 14:41, J. Gareth Moreton via fpc-devel wrote:

Quicksort is not inherently stable because of what happens if a value is equal to the pivot - more specifically, which of the identical values is selected as the pivot - for example, if you try to sort a list of identical values, they will inevitably change order because each stage will move all of the values to one side of the pivot (and also cause quicksort to degenerate into O(n²)).  If you want a stable sort, you need to use things like merge sort instead.


On 29/11/2022 13:25, Sven Barth via fpc-devel wrote:
Ondrej Pokorny via fpc-devel <fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org> schrieb am Di., 29. Nov. 2022, 11:39:

    Am 29.11.2022 um 11:08 schrieb Sven Barth via fpc-devel:
    J. Gareth Moreton via fpc-devel <fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org>
    schrieb am Di., 29. Nov. 2022, 10:09:

        Surely that's a bug in the comparison functions that should
        be fixed and
        not something that can be blamed on introsort.  If a
        comparison function
        is faulty, then pretty nuch any sorting algorithm can be
        considered to
        have unpredictable behaviour.

    This *can* be blamed on IntroSort, because Stability (order of
    equal elements is kept) is an attribute of sorting algorithms
    and IntroSort is *not* considered stable while QuickSort *can*
    be stable depending on the implementation and ours *is*.

    If for two elements [a, b] the comparison function returns
    a<b=true and b<a=true

    then the problem is not in stability or any other feature of the
    sorting algorithm but in the comparison function indeed. Or am I
    missing something?

For such a comparison function the issue is indeed in the comparison function, but Nikolay also mentioned "a<b=false and b<a=false" which is the case for equal elements.


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