Sven Barth wrote:
Adriaan van Os via fpc-devel < <>> schrieb am Do., 2. Feb. 2023, 02:47:

    Sven Barth via fpc-devel wrote:

     > There is no full documentation for that parameter modifier (someone
     > might want to file a bug report for that), but the documentation for
     > “const” (

     > ) contains this:
     > === doc begin ===
     > Contrary to Delphi, no assumptions should be made about how const
     > parameters are passed to the underlying routine. In particular, the
     > assumption that parameters with large size are passed by
    reference is
     > not correct. For this the constref parameter type should be used,
     > is available as of version 2.5.1 of the compiler.
     > === doc end ===

    On debate, see FPC issue 17442.

There is no debate planned for this in the near future. So even if this might change some time in the future it does not *now* and very likely also not for 3.4.0. Not to mention that things wouldn't change for most platforms anyway, because they only have the platform ABI available and that *must not* change for compatibility with C code.

"Will not change" and "ABI" are non arguments. They do not address the 
questions put forward here:

- under what circumstances (and in what compiler mode) does FPC pass large (say 1 MB or 1 GB) "const" parameters by value (which is extremely inefficient) ?
- for what reasons ?

As long as these questions are not addressed and cleared and documented "const" parameters are not a useable in actual code.


Adriaan van Os

fpc-devel maillist  -

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