Op 17-10-2023 om 13:17 schreef robert rozee via fpc-devel:
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2023 09:32:16 +0200
From: Marco van de Voort <f...@pascalprogramming.org>
- without the patches you are reviewing it works all fine, suggesting a
problem in those patches that somehow forces linking to the symbol
without it being used.

and installed the three packages (fpc-laz, fpc-src, lazarus-project) as per 
instructions. this gives a completely unpatch, unadulterated 64-bit Linux, 
running a completely unpatch, unadulterated FPC and Lazarus.

And that works.

(1002) Target OS: Linux for x86-64
(3104) Compiling project1.lpr
(10001) PPU Loading 
(10011) PPU Source: gtk2int.pas not found
(10011) PPU Source: gtk2defines.inc not available
(10011) PPU Source: gtk2winapih.inc not available
(10011) PPU Source: gtk2lclintfh.inc not available
(10011) PPU Source: gtk2listslh.inc not available
(10011) PPU Source: gtk2widgetset.inc not available
(10011) PPU Source: gtk2winapi.inc not available
(10011) PPU Source: gtk2lclintf.inc not available
(10011) PPU Source: gtk2listsl.inc not available
(10028) Recompiling Gtk2Int, checksum changed for 
 Fatal: (10022) Can't find unit Gtk2Int used by Interfaces

This is not a linking error or mis-resolved symbol or something similar. It is about incrementally rebuilding the LCL automatically as a dependency of your project after

(1) installing a new compiler, possibly erasing a release (-Ur) compiler with one that isn't.

(2) modifying LCL source.

Which is not _that_ surprising as you leave a lot of state behind from your earlier compilation. A Lazarus developer might give you some tips on that how to do this more systematic.  I usually first build lazarus with make bigide and then with lazbuild (to reenable packages) after such mods.

Another, simpler thing might be to simply erase all .o and .ppu from the lazarus repo before doing the lazbuild. That erases state (that hopefully will then be rebuilt in a consistent way by lazbuild)

reversing the edit, rebuilding the compiler, RTL, etc, and now when run 
lazbuild reports:

This seems to indicate the cause of the state problem is the source modification rather than the compiler recompile. Which is logical since it invalidates the RTL.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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