On 4 June 2010 16:16, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> Converting 2 million lines because they broke compatibility is NOT funny,
> and will - in all likelihood - cost us a lot of money.

Rightly so, but why? Because you got no prior warning of the scale of
the change, no end-user input was sought, no time to prepare. So you
were forced to follow the "wait and see what we get on release day"
approach - this is terrible!.

This is exactly why I think open-source software is so great. The
community gets a chance to be involved, and you can see long before
what is changing and get prepared as the changes progress. And with
the community involvement (more eyes on the code), better designs
could be discussed (like in the case of FPC's Unicode support compared
to Delphi's).

So even though there might be a code-breaking change - the effect
should never be has harsh as what you get from Embarcadero. You would
have much longer to prepare your code for the change. So in the end
the code-breaking change (to currently maintained code) is not so bad.

The FPC Unicode implementation is such an example. It's not 100%
Delphi compatible, because FPC came up with a better design - the
covers more platforms and solutions. So non-compatibility is
justified. I just ask that other code changes be judged with the same
open minded approach.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

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