On Thu, December 18, 2014 21:54, Tomas Hajny wrote:
> On Thu, December 18, 2014 19:49, Ralf Quint wrote:
>> On 12/17/2014 2:56 PM, mark diener wrote:
>>> Ralf,  I am not goint to tell you to do anything, but gently suggest
>>> that you chill out.
>> Well, how about you live what you are preaching?
> I'd like to ask everybody to stop responding to this part of the thread
> and restrict him/herself to on topic messages on this list.

Switching to fpc-other as a more appropriate space: I believe that
although my time available for FPC is quite limited, my activities related
to OS/2 target in FPC in the last few years show more than clearly that I
want to continue support of this target regardless of the number of users
lower compared to some other targets as long as my work helps at least
someone. In this context, I'd like to thank everybody who expressed his
interest in this target.

Note that I don't aim to convince people that they should stop using their
preferred platform and switch to OS/2, and I won't participate in any kind
of advocacy discussion about why OS/2 should continue to be used, etc.

Thanks again


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