On Sat, February 27, 2016 22:36, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Bo Berglund wrote:
>> I hope this might be acceptable to ask here even if it is FPC and
>> Lazarus off topic....

 No problem on this list.

>> VMWare virtual adapter for vnet8 on main PC:
>>   IP= Mask=
>> Linux Mint virtual machine:
>> IP= Mask= GW=

Wasn't the gateway number meant to be

>> I don't get any ping response. On the host system I get immediate
>> response...
>> Is there anyone here who has done this and made it work?
> I'm not sure how useful any comment from me it, since I tend to use
> Qemu. However the obvious question that has to be asked is whether the
> windows system knows how to route to the subnet on which the VMWare
> guest resides.

Yep - what's the result of 'route print' or 'netstat -r' there? Also, you
need to make sure that there's no conflict (i.e. the 192.168.x.x range
isn't routed elsewhere there).

Also, when trying to sort it out, I'd try pinging from both sides. I
assume that 'ping' works on the host machine, right (i.e. the
virtual interface is up)? If so, would pinging work from
that side?

Finally - not sure what you meant by the reference to the 'VPN network',
but if your machine is connected to a VPN (external), you need to make
sure that the VPN client isn't configured to disable all other


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