On 30/07/16 20:04, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Lukasz Sokol wrote:

> I'm sure that if one dug there would be plenty of prewritten mail
> distribution programs, probably in Perl on unix (and if somebody
> doesn't like that, he might as well stop reading here).

there was even a pre-cursor to (probably) every known program like that, 
up to the interested reader to find what was it written in ;) and by who.
(as in, I remember fetchmail from ~15-20 years ago, it had quite /specific/ 
approach to config files)

> The key to managing anything like this is usually to use a different
> email ID for each mailing list, e.g. something like
> fred.fpc-ot...@telegraphy.co.uk for this one. Then either make sure
> you deal with an ISP who is prepared to accept either all mail for
> your domain or a significant number of predefined names (i.e. rather
> than just a single one) or set up your own email server
> (Sendmail+Cyrus or whatever). Then use Thunderbird etc. rules to
> distribute traffic to folders by recipient.

Yes. However it requires that filter/sorter be running somewhere all the
time, to sort the messages. So you end up having a 24/7 computer in
the house, which isn't to everybody's taste... or hosting it to run in a 
vm somewhere for free/non-free. And, well if you happen to think, that
an DD/OpenWRT'd home ADSL modem(*) with some storage is enough, try to think
of a good answer to 'Why do you need that hard drive attached to the modem all 
the time?'
question, in 2 minutes ... ;)

(*) (of which workable ones are not as easy to come by by the way either)

> Otherwise it's not particularly difficult to pipe messages from
> Sendmail into a discussion group server, although I'd suggest that
> anybody who chooses INN for this use v1 rather than anything later.
> It's also not too difficult to redirect anything sent locally to an
> external mailing list, but there is a number of "gotchas" that one
> has to be aware of lest one sets up a loop.

Or for the matter, if the project happens to run a mailing list, to set up 
their own mail2news gateway with a nntp server of their own.
(however it increases maintenance which nobody ever has time for...)
(and you still might need to deal with takedown notices, as Gmane admin had to)


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