On 2017-03-12 20:22, Luca Olivetti wrote:
> AFAIK it isn't.
> https://cr.yp.to/djbdns/ipv6mess.html

Take everything you read on the Internet with a pinch of salt. :)  That
page seems very old and much out of date. ie: it references multiple
times articles dated cira 2002 - that's 14 years ago.

"Example of the difference: As of 2002.11, Google hasn't published IPv6
addresses for www.google.com. What exactly is Google's reward for
spending time setting up useless IPv6 addresses for its perfectly
functional IPv4 machines? In contrast, they've had IPv6 software for years."

I've got IPv6 enabled here, and my ISP supports IPv6 fully. I enabled
IPv6 as my preferred IP protocol, and http://ipv6.google.com works
perfectly for me, and many (if not all web servers) will determine the
best protocol to use if both IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled for the same URL.
I've also installed a Firefox add-on which hows me in the URL bar if I'm
talking to a web server using IPv4 or IPv6. I often see IPv6 enabled
these days (and that's not just for Google domains).


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