On 2017-05-29 12:00, Bo Berglund wrote:
Is there a good way to set up an RPi3 box as a GIT server and get
going with that?

Can GIT work in a way that would be comparable to CVS regarding
concurrent development etc?

Any suggestions on where to start?

Git doesn't require a "server" - there is no "git server" like you find with CVS or SubVersion. Gitolite is a very fast and simple solution to get a shared Git environment up and running in the traditional client/server model that CVS and SubVersion users are used to. A true distributed environment will have no single "server location" of the source code.

There is a Git Daemon that can be run on Unix or Windows systems. But this is in essence just to supply you with access to a Git repository via the much more efficient git:// protocol, instead of abusing the http:// protocol. The recommended way to access a Git repo is via SSH (which Gitolite also uses). You supply you public key, and don't have to bother with usernames and weak passwords.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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