On Fri, 24 Feb 2006, Bisma Jayadi wrote:

> Dear all,
> Is there possible to convert Delphi code of FreeReport and tiOPF to 
> FPC/Lazarus?
> Or are there any attempts done? Any hints will be appreciated. TIA.

I have looked at tiOPF, because I would like to use it in Lazarus myself.

The core should compile quite easily. It's programmed quite clean, does not
seem to have Windows dependencies.

The persistence layers are a different thing: IBX will compile (maybe not 
Indy 9 should, I think Marco got it running. The ADO layer not, because we don't
have ADO. Oracle: No idea.

I think the best option would be to try and go for writing a new persistence 
based on SQLDB or so.

I haven't looked at the visual components, though.


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