Not wishing to make this OT, but...

> Talk to them about targets that c# does not reach, like *BSD, Mac OS
> X, Sparc, etc =)

Um.. *cough* Portable.NET, *cough* Mono. Both will get you on to most of
those platforms. Don't assume Microsoft needs all the answers. You can
certainly compile under Windows and run under some of theose OS with little
changes. Others might mean slight GUI tool kit issues. No more so that a
Delhi to Kylix or Lazarus transition though.

> However, I have never heard a story describing the opposite, ie. a person
going from
>Pascal to a C-Language and having the same epiphany. I've tried to  make
the transition
> myself on several occasions, but I always end up coming back to Pascal.

This will bring a tear to your eye then... I have been a Delphi/Pascal
programmer for 10 years. I recently began a transit process to C#, and .Net
and I absolutely love it. It is a complete breath of fresh air. I can't
think of a single reason to stay using Object Pascal, not one. And there are
only small bits of the VCL I miss (DB access components.) I have used Delphi
2005, and Object Pascal is just funky and nasty when used with .Net.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

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